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Osceola County

Page history last edited by kevin driedger 15 years, 9 months ago


Osceola history



The Evart Review began publishing on Oct. 17, 1872 by W.H. Hess. It was Republican. It ceased on June 5, 1975 and was continued by U.S. 10 Review.


Osceola County Democrat began publishing on Sept. 26, 1884 by J. & L.J. Patterson.


U.S. 10 Review began publishing on June 12, 1975 by Evart Review. It ceased on Mar. 1, 1979 and reverted back to Evart Review.


Evart Review began publishing on Mar. 8, 1979 by a company of the same name. It ceased on Sept. 13, 2000 and was continued by Pioneer (Evart ed.) published out of Big Rapids.


Pioneer (Evart ed.) began publishing on Sept. 20, 2000 by Pioneer Group. It ceased on Oct. 24, 2001 when it merged with Reed City Herald-News to form Pioneer (Osceola ed.).


Pioneer (Osceola ed.) began publishing on Nov. 7, 2001 out of Big Rapids by Pioneer Group.



The Osceola Outline began publishing on Jan. 17, 1871 by A. Blodgett and later by John F. Radcliffe. It was Republican.


The Osceola County News began publishing circa 1910s by R.L. Lewis.


Le Roy

The Times began publishing circa 1883 by O.H. Hovey.


The Le Roy Independent began publishing circa 1884 by R.H. Allen & Co.


The Sun was publishing circa 1890s by C.A. Warren.



The Marion Dispatch began publishing circa 1889 by George B. Howe.


Dispatch-Leader began publishing circa 1891. By 1903 it was published by C.T. Sadler. It ceased circa 1908 and was continued by The Marion Dispatch.


The Marion Dispatch began publishing on Mar. 13, 1908 by F.W. Lawrence and J.M. Reid. It ceased on Oct. 4, 1917 and was continued by Northern Osceola Press.


Northern Osceola Press began publishing on Oct. 11, 1917 by F.H. Dewey. It ceased on June 1, 1922 and was continued by The Marion Press.


The Marion Press began publishing on June 8, 1922 by Ernest B. Blett and Donald O. Blett.


Reed City

Reed City Weekly Clarion began publishing on May 9, 1873 by Joseph K. Fairchild. From 1880 to 1885 its title was shortened to Reed City Clarion before reinserting Weekly back into the title. In 1910 it dropped Weekly from the title. It ceased on July 14, 1915 and merged with Osceola County Herald to form Osceola County Herald-Clarion.


The Union Banner began publishing on Mar. 8, 1884 by J.H. Whitney. It was a prohibition paper.


Osceola County Democrat began publishing on July 28, 1886 by M.T. Woodruff & Co. It ceased on July 28, 1909 and was continued by Osceola County Herald.


The Liberator began publishing circa 1893 by J.A. Strachan.


Osceola County Herald was publishing by 1909 by Osceola Pub. Co.


Osceola County Herald-Clarion began publishing circa 1915 by Huckle Brothers. It ceased on Apr. 25, 1918 and was continued by Osceola County Herald.


Osceola County Herald began publishing on May 2, 1918 by A.W. Huckle. It ceased after 1978 and merged with Reed City News to form Herald-News.


Herald-News was publishing by 1987 in Big Rapids by Pioneer Publications. It ceased on Apr. 11, 1990 and was continued by Reed City Herald-News.


Reed City Herald-News began publishing on Apr. 18, 1990 by Pioneer Pub. It ceased on Nov. 1, 2001 when it merged with Pioneer (Evart ed.) to form Pioneer (Osceola ed.).



Tustin Advance began publishing circa 1878 by H.C. McCullough. It ceased Oct. 1, 1884.


The Herald published circa 1884. It had a short life.


Tustin Echo published on Dec. 18, 1884 by Frank J. Luick.


Tustin Topics began publishing on May 31, 1894 by W.A. McGovern. It ceased on May 19, 1899.


The Tustin Times began publishing on June 19, 1902 by “Tustin Business Men.”

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