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Montcalm County

Page history last edited by kevin driedger 15 years, 10 months ago


Montcalm History


Carson City

The Carson City Commercial began publishing on Dec. 10, 1874 by S. Armes.


The Carson City Record began publishing circa 1881 by J. Newman. It ceased on Dec. 27, 1883 and became The Bee.


The Bee began publishing on Jan. 3, 1884 by C.F. Hager. It ceased circa 1886 and was continued by Carson City Gazette.


Carson City Gazette began publishing circa 1886. By 1888 it was published by Charles G. Bailey.



The Coral Enterprise began publishing circa 1875 by John I. Taylor. It ceased the same year.


The Coral News began publishing on Jan. 28, 1897 by Fred. U. O'Brien.


The Reformer began publishing on Jan. 6, 1905 by Montcalm County Anti-Saloon League. It was semimonthly.



Crystal Banner began publishing on Nov. 9, 1889 by Crystal Banner Co. It ceased on Jan. 31, 1891.


The Crystal Mail began publishing on Jan. 18, 1900 by W.L. LaDu and F.T. Massey. It ceased on July 23, 1943.



Edmore Journal began publishing on Sept. 1, 1879 by Dan Youngs. It ceased on March 28, 1908.


Edmore Times began publishing on Apr. 1, 1908 by William White.. It published briefly as Your Edmore Times in 1954. It ceased on Sept. 8, 1982 when it merged with Lakeview Enterprise to form Times Enterprise of Greenville.


The Times began publishing circa May 1996 by Greenville News. It is monthly.



The Fenwick News began publishing on Jan. 2, 1903 by Ernest B. Blett.



Montcalm Reflector began publishing on Sept. 19, 1854 by Milo Blair. It ceased circa 1857 and changed titles to Greenville Independent and “Montcalm Reflector”.


Greenville Independent and “Montcalm Reflector” began publishing circa 1857 by C. Dehart. It was continued by Greenville Independent.


Greenville Independent began publishing circa 1858 by Joseph M. Fuller. It was Republican. It ceased circa 1924 when it merged with Daily Call to form Independent Daily News.


The Greenville Democrat began publishing on June 16, 1871 by D.B. Sherwood.


The Daily Call began publishing circa 1879 by William B. Wells. It ceased circa 1924 and merged with Greenville Independent to form Independent Daily News.


Daily News began publishing circa 1879 by Nelson & Deck.


Tri-Weekly News began publishing circa 1885 by Frank A. Pulhemus.


Dansk Folkeblad began publishing on Sept. 26, 1895 by George Johnson. It was in Danish.


Local Option Yellow Jacket began publishing circa 1911 by Local Option Committee of Montcalm County.


Independent Daily News began publishing circa 1924 by Greenville Independent Pub. Co. It ceased on Feb. 8, 1927 and its title changed to Greenville Daily News.


Greenville Daily News began publishing on Feb. 9, 1927 by Independent Press. After Apr. 1, 1949 its title was shortened to Daily News which published till June 12, 1974 when it merged with Banner and Flat River Emporium to form The Daily News and Belding Banner.


The Daily News and Belding Banner began publishing on June 13, 1974 by Greenville News. After Aug. 16, 1977 its title was shortened to The Daily News.


Howard City

Howard Record began publishing on Aug. 15, 1872 by Wayne E. Morris. It was Republican. After Jan. 28, 1886 its title changed to Howard City Record.


Howard City Record began publishing on Feb. 4, 1886 with B.J. Lowrey as editor. It ceased circa 1952 when it merged with The News to form Howard City News Record.


Howard City News Record began publishing circa Jan. 1953 by Arthur E. Andersen. It ceased on May 20, 1954 and was absorbed by Big Rapids Pioneer in Mecosta County.


The Howard City Record began publishing on Nov. 4, 1954 by Minnie M. Farmer. After May 18, 1983 its title was shortened to Record. It ceased on Apr. 5, 1990 and was absorbed by River Valley News-Shopper.


River Valley News-Shopper began publishing circa Oct. 1986 by Conine Pub. Co.



The Lakeview Citizen began publishing on Jan. 21, 1876 by G.J. Massey. It ceased circa 1878.


The Lakeview Enterprise began publishing on July 2, 1879 by Thomas Rogers.. By 1890 it was published by Clarence C. Gilleo. It ceased on Sept. 9, 1982 when it merged with Edmore Times to form Times Enterprise.


Times Enterprise began publishing on Sept. 16, 1982 by Greenville News. It ceased on May 3, 1984.


Lakeview Enterprise began publishing on June 19, 1986 by Richard Boomer. Its numbering indicates itself as a continuation of the earlier newspaper of the same title.



McBride Review began publishing on Dec. 13, 1893 by W.C. Shannon.



The Sheridan Era began publishing circa 1875. It ceased the same year.


The Sheridan Advertiser began publishing circa 1894.



The Montcalm Herald began publishing on Sept. 11, 1867 by Edwin O. Shaw. It ceased circa Mar. 1913 when it merged with Stanton Weekly Clipper to form Stanton Clipper-Herald.


The Montcalm County Journal began publishing on Sept. 24, 1875 by Joseph K. Fairchild. It ceased circa 1879.


Stanton Weekly Clipper began publishing on Sept. 19, 1879 by P.S. Dodge and William White. It ceased on Mar. 14, 1913 when it merged with Montcalm Herald to form Stanton Clipper-Herald.


The Stanton Daily Meteor began publishing on June 18, 1880 by E.R. Powell & Son. The paper lasted about three months.


Stanton Clipper-Herald began publishing on Mar. 21, 1913 by N. W. Newhouse. After Oct. 29, 1953 its title was shortened to The Clipper-Herald. It ceased on Mar. 20, 1958 merged with Sheridan Citizen to form The Clipper-Herald the Crystal Dispatch and the Sheridan Citizen.


The Clipper-Herald the Crystal Dispatch and the Sheridan Citizen began publishing on Mar. 27, 1958 by Clarence V. Smazel. It ceased on Dec. 10, 1959 and was continued by Montcalm County News.


Montcalm County News began publishing on Dec. 17, 1959 by Clarence V. Smazel. It ceased on Aug. 18, 1960 and was absorbed by Daily News of Greenville.


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