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Manistee County

Page history last edited by kevin driedger 16 years ago

Manistee history



Arcadia Argus began publishing circa 1888. By 1918 it was published by A.J.L. A.J.L. Keddie & Son. It was semiweekly. It ceased in Dec. 1936 and consolidated with Bear Lake Beacon, Wellston-Brethren Banner, Copemish Compass, Kaleva Chronicle, and Onekama Lake Breeze to form Manistee County Pioneer Press.


Bear Lake

Bear Lake Independent began publishing circa 1882 by A.C. Culver & Son.


The Bear Lake Beacon began publishing circa 1888. By 1918 it was published by A.J.L. A.J.L. Keddie & Son. It was semiweekly.It ceased on Dec. 18, 1936 and consolidated with Arcadia Argus, Wellston-Brethren Banner, Copemish Compass, Kaleva Chronicle, and Onekama Lake Breeze to form Manistee County Pioneer Press.


The Manistee County Pioneer Press began publishing on Dec. 22, 1936 by A.J.L. A.J.L. Keddie & Sons. It was semiweekly until Feb. 1981, when it became weekly. It was formed through the consolidation of Bear Lake Beacon, Onekama Lake Breeze, Arcadia Argus, Kaleva Chronicle, Wellston-Brethren Banner, and Copemish Compass.



Copemish Compass began publishing circa 1888. By 1923 it was published by A.J.L. A.J.L. Keddie & Son. It was semiweekly.It ceased in Dec. 1936 and consolidated with Bear Lake Beacon, Arcadia Argus, Kaleva Chronicle, Wellston-Brethren Banner, and Onekama Lake Breeze to form Manistee County Pioneer Press.



The Kaleva Chronicle began publishing circa 1899. By 1924 it was published by A.J.L. Keddie & Son. It was semiweekly.It ceased in Dec. 1936 and consolidated with Bear Lake Beacon, Arcadia Argus, Copemish Compass, Wellston-Brethren Banner, and Onekama Lake Breeze to form Manistee County Pioneer Press.



Manistee Gazette began publishing on Dec. 17 1864 by Robert R. Rice and Wentworth. It was Republican. It ceased circa 1868 and was continued by Manistee Times.


Manistee Times began publishing circa 1868 by S. W. Fowler. By 1871 it was published by Hoffman & Frasier. It ceased circa Aug. 1874 when it merged with Manistee Standard to form Times and Standard.


This newspaper was repossessed by S.W. Fowler in May of 1873 and continued by him. The former publisher, Richard Hoffman, then began publishing an unrelated newspaper, also called Manistee times, which used the same numbering. That newspaper began May 15, 1873. The two papers, with the the same title and internal numbering system, appear to have been published simultaneously during 1873 and 1874.


The Tribune began publishing circa 1869 by George W. Clayton. It lasted a short while.


Manistee Standard began publishing circa Mar. 1871 by O.H. Godwin & Moriarty. It was Democratic. It burned down in Oct. 1871 and resumed publishing in Apr. 1872. It ceased on Sept. 5, 1874 when it merged with Manistee Times to form Times and Standard.


Manistee Times began publishing on May 15, 1873 by Richard Hoffman. First several issues contain editorials by publisher Richard Hoffman, detailing the repossession of the Manistee Times by S.W. Fowler and the subsequent publication of this unrelated newspaper by Hoffman using the same title and numbering designation. Circa Jan. or Feb. 1883 it changed to Manistee Weekly Times published by H.S. Hilton. It was Republican. It ceased in 1886 when it merged with Manistee Sentinel to form Manistee Times-Sentinel.


Times and Standard began publishing circa Sept. 1874 by S.W. Fowler. It ceased circa 1882.


Manistee Advocate began publishing on Dec. 19, 1874 by E.J. Cody. It ceased circa 1882 and was likely continued by The Manistee Democrat.


The Manistee Independent began publishing circa Nov. 1879 by Thompson & Burke. It ceased on Dec. 10, 1880.


The Manistee Democrat began publishing circa June 1882 by Stacy C. Thompson. It absorbed Voice of the People.


The Labor Advocate began publishing circa June 1883 by Young & Swart. After Oct. 12, 1883 its title shortened to The Advocate published by Young & O'Malley. It was continued by The Manistee Advocate.


Voice of the People began publishing circa 1885 by M.H. Clark. It ceased on Dec. 8, 1887 when it was absorbed by The Manistee Democrat.


Manistee Sentinel began publishing on Sept. 19, 1885 by Madison and Smith. It cease on Aug. 28, 1886 when it merged with Manistee Weekly Times to form Manistee Times-Sentinel.


The Manistee Times-Sentinel began publishing circa Sept. 1886 by Hilton and Madison. It ceased circa 1904.


The Manistee Broadaxe began publishing on Oct. 1, 1886 by App. M. Smith.


Nordens Medborgare began publishing circa May 1889 by Nordens Medborgare Pub. Soc. It was in Swedish.


Manistee Daily News began publishing on Apr. 16, 1894 by News Pub. Co. It ceased on Aug. 31, 1900 when it merged with Manistee Daily Advocate to form Manistee News-Advocate.


Manistee Daily Advocate began publishing circa 1895 by J.S. Madison. A weekly edition was also published. It ceased on Oct. 3, 1914 when it merged with Manistee Daily News to form Manistee News-Advocate.


Manistee News-Advocate began publishing on Oct. 5, 1914 by News Pub. Co. It published daily except Sun.


The Manistee Examiner began publishing circa 1933.


Little River Currents = Megwaa Ezhiwebaak began publishing circa 2004 by Little River Band of Ottawa Indians. It was monthly.



Onekama Lake Breeze began publishing circa 1888. By 1918 it was published by A.J.L. Keddie & Son. It was semiweekly.It ceased in Dec. 1936 and consolidated with Bear Lake Beacon, Arcadia Argus, Kaleva Chronicle, Wellston-Brethren Banner, and Kaleva Chronicle to form Manistee County Pioneer Press.



The Wellston-Brethren Banner began publishing circa 1888. By 1922 it was published by A.J.L. Keddie & Son. It was semiweekly.It ceased in Dec. 1936 and consolidated with Bear Lake Beacon, Arcadia Argus, Copemish Compass, Kaleva Chronicle, and Onekama Lake Breeze to form Manistee County Pioneer Press.

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