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Mackinac County

Page history last edited by kevin driedger 16 years ago


Mackinac history


Mackinac Island

Mackinac County Sentinel began publishing on Apr. 30, 1880 by James K. Fairchild. In Aug. 1880, the office was moved to St. Ignace. It ceased on Dec. 31, 1880.


Mackinac Island News began publishing circa 1934 by a company of the same name.


The Island News began publishing on July 5, 1947 by Ruth Orton Camp. It was published during the months of June-Sept.


Mackinac Island Town Crier began publishing circa 1954 by the Mackinac Pub. Co.


St. Ignace

St. Ignace Republican was publishing by Feb. 1881 by Philip D. Bissell


Mackinac County Independent began publishing on Nov. 10, 1881. It ceased on Feb. 9, 1882 when it was absorbed by The Northern Spy.


The Northern Spy began publishing circa 1881 by the George H. Hombach. It was “Devoted to the interests of the 'New Michigan'.”


The St. Ignace News began publishing circa 1884. By 1887 it was published by Charles G. Cavanagh. It was a semiweekly. It ceased on Mar. 27, 1888 and became St. Ignace Democrat.


St. Ignace Democrat began publishing on Mar. 30, 1888 by Charles G. Cavanagh. By 1890 it had reverted to St. Ignace News published by Tom A. Hanna.


St. Ignace Enterprise began publishing circa 1894. By 1909 it was published by Ed Jones. It ceased on May 18, 1933 when it merged with Republican-News to form Republican-News and St. Ignace Enterprise.


The Republican-News began publishing on Mar. 5, 1910 by Edward John Chatelle. It ceased on May 20, 1933 when it merged with St. Ignace Enterprise, to form Republican-News and St. Ignace Enterprise.


The Republican-News and St. Ignace Enterprise began publishing on May 27, 1933 by E.J. Chatelle. It eventually became St. Ignace News.


The St. Ignace News Weekly Wave Edition was an edition of St. Ignace News which was published at least during the 1980s.

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