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Leelanau County

Page history last edited by kevin driedger 16 years ago


Leelanau History



The Empire Journal began publishing circa 1900. It ceased on Nov. 13, 1919, when it was published by Andrew Johnson.


Maple City

Maple City Mirror began publishing circa 1894 by Sam O. Cooley.



The Leelanaw County Courier reportedly published for less than a year in 1872.


The Leelanau Tribune began publishing on June 11, 1873 by A.H. Johnson. It was Republican. By 1879 it moved to Suttons Bay.


Leelanau Weekly Enterprise began publishing circa early 1878 by Derby & Washburn. Its title was later shortened to Leelanau Enterprise. It moved to Leland in 1880. It ceased publishing on Mar. 2, 1950 when it merged with Northport Tribune to form Leelanau Enterprise and Tribune.


Northport Leader began publishing circa 1895. By 1901 it was published by Wilber E. Campbell. In 1911 it absorbed Leelanau News and ceased publishing in Nov. 1941.



The Provemont Courier began publishing on Oct. 22, 1915 by K. Gus Smarey. It ceased on Mar. 10, 1921 and was continued by The Suttons Bay Courier.


Suttons Bay

Suttons Bay Bazzoo began publishing circa 1896 by Sam O. Cooley.


Leelanau Sentinel began publishing circa March 1903 by A.A. Session.


The Leelanau News began publishing circa 1906 by Archie W. Gunn. (It is unsure what the relationship is with the following newspaper of the same title.)


The Leelanau News began publishing circa 1910 by Morgan LeRoy Steele. It was later absorbed by Northport Leader.


The Suttons Bay Courier began publishing on Mar. 24, 1921 by K. Gus Smarey continuing his previous Provemont Courier.



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