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Dickinson County

Page history last edited by kevin driedger 16 years ago


Dickinson history

Iron Mountain

The Menominee Range began publishing circa 1879 by H.S. Swift. In 1884, Robert P. Tuten became the publisher. In 1891 the title changed to The Iron Range and a year later it merged with Iron Mountain Tribune to form Range-Tribune.


The Evening Gazette began publishing circa 1895. By 1900, it was published by T.H. McElroy & Son.


The Daily Tribune began publishing circa 1896 by Robert P. Tuten. It is likely a daily edition of his Range-Tribune.


Iron Mountain Press began publishing circa 1896 by Tom A. Hanna.


Monitor began publishing circa 1898 by James M. Enstrom. It was a Swedish language newspaper. In 1908 it changed to a monthly.


Michigan Veckoblad was a Swedish language newspaper that began publishing circa 1903.


Iron Mountain Daily News began publishing on April 11, 1921. It’s later titles include: Iron Mountain News, and in 1978 Daily News. By 1978 it was published by Panax Corp which published the Upper Peninsula Sunday Times, Western ed. with the Daily News, Central ed. with the Mining Journal in Marquette, and Eastern ed. with the Daily Press in Escanaba.


The Capitol Times was publishing by May, 1941.



The Norway Iron Chronicle began publishing circa 1880 by Bennett & Shabel.


The New Norway Current began publishing circa 1980 by Norway Publishing Co.

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