
Clinton County

Page history last edited by kevin driedger 16 years, 5 months ago


Clinton history


The Grand River City Courier is reported to have begun in 1837 in “Grand River City” (which lay on the border between Clinton and Eaton counties) published by Erastus Ingersoll.


Shiawassee Express and Clinton Advocate began publishing in 1839. It was published in Owosso, Shiawassee County, but the title indicates covering the interests of Clinton County as well.



The Looking Glass began publishing circa 1975 by Jan. L. Beaderstadt. The frequency of this paper is not known.



The Clintonian began publishing circa 1842 by Mark A. Childs.


The Clinton Express began publishing in 1850 by Mark A. Childs. The paper was sold first to Milo Blair, and then to John Ransom and moved to St. Johns where the name was changed to North Side Democrat and then St. Johns Democrat. It ceased publishing in 1858.


The DeWitt Republican began publishing circa 1856 by Henry S. Hilton and later moved to St. Johns. (Its first title may have been.) Its name bounced between Clinton Republican and Clinton County Republican. On May 1, 1924 it merged with St. Johns News to form Clinton County Republican-News. In 1964 the name was shortened to Clinton County News and published by Steven Hopko.


De Witt News began publishing circa 1894 by Frank I. Albeam.


The Dewitt Motor began publishing on Aug. 21, 1896 by R.K. Eckert.


The DeWitt Sentinel began publishing on Dec. 3, 1914 by Thomas G. Dew.


The De Witt Republican began publishing mid 1939 by Tracy’s Print Shop.


The De Witt Weekly Advertiser began publishing circa 1951. This title likely became The Advertiser published out of Elsie by 1971 which became The Advertiser-News on September 19, 1989.


DeWitt/Bath Review began publishing out of Grand Ledge circa 1978 by Community Newspapers.



Brother Nathan’s Yankee Clipper : dedicated to the jolly jokers of America began publishing circa 1870. By 1873 L. Austin is the publisher. It is likely related to the earlier Jolly Joker of Ovid.


The Young Folks’ Weekly Home Visitor began publishing circa 1880.


American Enterprise was publishing by Dec 1880.


The Elsie Leader began publishing on Aug. 16, 1884 by L.R. Taylor. It ceased on August 8, 1885.


The Elsie Sun began publishing on Jan. 9, 1885 by L. Austin. For some years the title was Elsie Weekly Sun.


The Elsie Enterprise began publishing on April 4, 1895 by George J. Johnson.


The Elsie Visitor began publishing circa 1898 by Rev. H.D. Skinner in the interests of the Methodist Episcopal Church.


The Weekly began publishing on March 4, 1991 by Tom Turek.



The Fowler Post began publishing circa 1937 by Clyde H. McComb. It ceased publishing on December 30, 1965.


The Lansing Post began publishing on May 17, 1963 by The Fowler Post. This monthly was an African-American newspaper. It ceased after a year or two.


Maple Rapids

Maple Rapids Messenger began publishing on April 17, 1874 by J.A. and F.O. Dickey. It ceased circa 1878.


Maple Rapids Dispatch began publishing on Oct. 26, 1878 by the Stair Brothers. By 1897 J. Millard Smith was the publisher and by 19001, Henry L. Oakley.


The American began publishing circa 1922 by Ned. P. Keys.


The Maple Rapids Press began publishing circa 1930 by Morris & Ryan. Later on, the masthead includes “Combined with the Middleton News March 10, 1938.”



The Ovid Register began publishing on July 1, 1866 by James H. Wickwire. By 1869 it was published by J.W. Fitzgerald. Title variations include: Ovid Weekly Register, and Ovid Michigan Register. In late 1886 it was published by Reeves & Carrier when it merged with Clinton & Shiawassee Union to form Register-Union.


Jolly Joker began publishing circa Nov. 1867 by S.H. Egabrod. According to its masthead, this monthly was “...devoted to jokes, puns, conundrums, charades, enigmas, and the like, in fact, to everything that may give sober people a little innocent amusement.”


Clinton and Shiawassee Union began publishing circa 1879 by J.W. Fitzgerald and J.W. Walsh. In 1886 it merged with Ovid Register.


The Weekly Advertiser began publishing in Ovid circa 1882 by Travis & Reeves.


The Register-Union began publishing on Dec. 3, 1886 by Reeves & Allen. By 1893 the title was Ovid Register-Union and it was published by Frank A. Bement. The paper was absorbed by Clinton County News in mid-1967.


The Ovid-Elsie Banner began publishing on Jan. 4, 1968. The title was later shortened to Banner.


Maple River News began publishing on Oct. 10, 1974 by a company of the same name.



St. John’s Democrat began publishing on Dec. 9, 1856 by John Ransom. It ceased in May, 1864.


St. Johns Herald began publishing on Aug. 24, 1864 by R. Cheney. It supported the Democratic cause during the election and then ceased.


The Clinton Independent began publishing on Aug. 20, 1866 by John H. and James A. Stephenson and later by George S. Corbit. It was Democratic. It ceased publishing on October 1, 1903.


The St. Johns Advertiser began publishing mid-1867 by Stephenson & Corbit.


Fall Trade Journal was publishing by Sept. 1870 by the firm of Corbit & Estes.


The St. Johns Sentry began publishing circa Feb. 1882 by John M. Potter.


St. Johns Prohibitionist was publishing by Aug. 22, 1884 by Bliss & Mudge.


St. Johns News began publishing on Sept. 6, 1889 by Howard H. Fitzgerald. In 1924 it merged with the Clinton County Republican.


The Clinton Democrat began publishing circa 1905 by C.S. Clark.


Recreational News began publishing on Feb. 13, 1937. It was biweekly.


St. Johns Reminder was publishing by Nov. 9, 1982 by John K. & Rebecca M. Kennedy.



The Shepardsville Advance began publishing on Dec. 11, 1860 by S.C. Shephard and S.L. Brass.



Die Westphalia began publishing circa Sept. 1886 by Heinrich Benner. It was a German language paper.




The Home Chronicle began publishing on October 2, 1878 by Frank H. Rose and ceased on August 6, 1879. It supported greenback policies.

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