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Clare County

Page history last edited by kevin driedger 16 years ago


Clare history


Clare County Press was publishing by May 1878 with A.F. Goodenough & Wilson as the publishing firm. In 1886 the title was shortened to Clare Press with D.E. Alward as publisher. In 1889 it merged with Clare Democrat to form The Clare Democrat and Press.


The Clare Democrat began publishing circa 1883 by M.D. Eaton. In 1889 it merged with Clare Press to form The Clare Democrat and Press.


The Clare Democrat and Press began publishing on Aug. 2, 1889 by Marvin D. Eaton. It ceased circa Dec. 1894 when it merged with The Clare Sentinel to form Clare Sentinel and the Democrat-Press.


The Clare Sentinel began publishing on Dec. 2, 1892 by E.D. Palmer and R.G. Jeffries. In Dec. 1894 it merged with The Clare Democrat and Press to form Clare Sentinel and the Democrat-Press. Two years later, in 1896 the title was shortened to Clare Sentinel.


The Clare Courier began publishing on June 28, 1895 by A.R. Canfield. In 1923 it was absorbed by Clair Sentinel. It was Democratic.



The Register began publishing circa early 1872 by Frank S. Burton & Ellsworth. By 1876 its title was Farwell Register published by James S. Holden. It was Republican.


The Farwell Sun began publishing circa 1906 by Rev. Charles C. Coors. He later went on to publish The Montague Observer.


The Farwell News began publishing circa 1952 by J.M. and N.L. Grim. In 1972 the title changed to News and Review. Since 1985 the title has varied between Review and Clare County Review.



Clare County Cleaver began publishing circa 1881 by Jesse Allen. From 1884 to 1895 the paper was owned and published by Alfred Ray Canfield.

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