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Chippewa County

Page history last edited by kevin driedger 16 years ago


Chippewa history

Fort Brady

The Outpost began publishing in 1944 serving the military and civilian personnel of Fort Brady.



The Pickford Clarion began publishing out of Pickford on Sept. 14, 1905 by E.E. Baldwin.


Sault Sainte Marie

Lake Superior News and Mining Journal began publishing out of “Saut de Ste. Marie” on June 12, 1847. It was published by John N. Ingersoll. It succeeded the previous title of Lake Superior News and Miners’ Journal which published during the summer of 1846 in Copper Harbor. It was issued weekly in the summer months and monthly in the winter months. Before his time in the Upper Peninsula Ingersoll had published the St. Clair Banner and subsequently worked in newspapers in Detroit and Shiawassee County. On May 1, 1850 the title was shortened to Lake Superior Journal and the publisher was J.V. Brown. It continued to be issued weekly in the summer and monthly in the winter. Some winters it was published out of Detroit. In 1855 the paper moved to Marquette.


The Chippewa County News began publishing on June 28, 1878 by a Dr. Williams. It subsequently changed hands to J.H. Steere, William Chapman, and Charles H. Chapman. Around 1887 the title was changed to The Sault Ste. Marie News and published by Chase S. Osborn, M.A. Hoyt and A.W. Dingall. It began publishing as a daily on Jan. 26, 1901. Osborn sold the paper to M.J. Magee of The Record forming The Sault News-Record which was later shortened to Daily News-Record and finally becoming The Evening News in 1903. In 1989 the Sunday edition was called Sault Sunday.


The Sault Ste. Marie News and Upper Michigan Farm Journal began publishing circa 1880. By 1921 George A. Osborn, Chase’s father, was the publisher.


Sault Ste. Marie Democrat began publishing in 1882 by W.K. Gardner. By 1886 it was published by Chalres R. Stuart. By 1891 the title had changed to Soo Democrat published by J.E. Burchard, D.W. Brownell. In 1901 the paper became a daily with the new title The Record published by M.J. Magee. In 1901 Magee also purchased the News and merged the two papers.


Sault Ste. Marie Real Estate Journal began publishing circa 1887. (Bases on the title, it is likely that this paper’s purpose was to promote purchasing land and settling in the Upper Peninsula.)


The Soo Times began publishing circa 1896 by Clyde W. Hecox. He later went on to publish the St. Ignace Enterprise.


The Sault Herald was publishing around 1890 when it was purchased by Charles H. Chapman, with Webster and Stradley. They changed the name to The Sault Ste. Marie Tribune. It was a Republican paper. In 1892 it consolidated with the News.


Lake Superior Journal began publishing circa August 1901 by Charles H. Chapman. It began as a weekly, but after Frank Knox and John Muehling purchased it, they changed it to a daily. It merged with the News-Record in 1903.


Lucas Lantern began publishing circa 1951 by Camp Lucas Post I & E Section. At the time, Camp Lucas was an anti-aircraft artillery site protecting the Soo Locks.


I.T.C. News Beat began publishing circa 1979 by the Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan.


Win Awenen Nisitotam = He who understands began publishing circa 1979 by the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians. In 1982 the title underwent a spelling change to Win Awenen Nisitotung = He who understands. It initially was a bimonthly, and changed to monthly in 1981.

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